Adult Programs

because we never stop growing in our faith
Christianity is a lifelong process

Christian faith formation is a lifelong process of developing our relationship with God, ourselves, and other people.  Every experience in our lives provides us with the opportunity to express our faith. The challenge is recognizing these opportunities. St. MM&M’s adult faith formation helps you grow closer to God. Come renew and revitalize your faith with the fellowship of our adult church congregation.

We offer a variety of faith formation activities for adults in the parish.  Throughout the year we host Bible Study Groups, Men's Groups, Women's Groups, and more. Here’s what we study:

  • The beliefs and practices of our faith
  • How to study scripture and biblical passages
  • Options for prayer
  • Church history
  • Spiritual growth and fellowship

Growing our relationship with God, with ourselves, and with others

Anamchara Fellowship

Not sure how to pray? Do you want to learn how God is working in your life? The Anamchara Fellowship can help!

Founded in the tradition of the Episcopal Church, with a Celic spirit, the Anamchara Fellowship is a recognized religious order that welcomes all people. Members must be self-supporting and are bound to each other by common ideals and a commitment to prayer and service.

The Anamchara Fellowship offers special prayer services, retreats, labyrinth walks, and other opportunities for spiritual growth to St. MM&M members and the wider community.

If you are 18 or older and feel called to a deeper ministry of teaching, spiritual direction, and pastoral care you might consider becoming a companion of the order or even a vowed member.

The companions are men and women who desire to connect themselves with the brothers and sisters of the Anamchara Fellowship but do not feel called to Religious vowed life.



Looking to increase your faith? Do you wish to enrich and deepen your relationship with Christ? A Cursillo weekend may be what you are looking for. 

The Cursillo Weekend brings together a diverse group of Episcopalians to share the richness of worship and broaden our appreciation for our church. Lay people conduct the Weekend with two or three clergy members as spiritual advisors.

During the Weekend, the first evening is spent with meditations and discussions. Then blessed silence is kept until after the worship the next morning. After breakfast participants are assigned to table/family groups for the weekend. The days are filled with talks and group discussions with emphasis on the doctrine of Grace, the Sacraments, and the great Cursillo tripod: Piety, Study, and Action.

All Weekends include fellowship, singing, good food, and time for privacy, meditation, and prayer. Through the Cursillo community, there are ongoing means to support Christian Ministry and Living.

Learn More

Learning and Fellowship Among Peers

Brotherhood of St. Andrew

ResourcesEducationSpiritualityFellowshipAdultMen's GroupAdults

A world-wide ministry to men and youth in the Episcopal/Anglican communion and beyond.

Anamchara Fellowship

ResourcesEducationSpiritualityFellowshipPastoral CareOutreachAdults

A new expression of monasticism founded in the tradition of the Episcopal Church.



Outreach & Social Justice

VolunteerMissions OutreachEducationYouth ServiceAdult EducationOutreachAdults

Our mission is to raise social awareness, encourage ministry participation, develop and organize outreach services within our parish, community...

Lay Readers/Lectors

VolunteerWorship MinistryWorshipAdults

Open to men and women, adults and youth. Members of this ministry read scripture in worship and some are trained and licensed to conduct certain...

Greeters & Ushers

VolunteerMinistry SupportWorship MinistryParish SupportWorshipYouth ServiceAdults

Greeters and Ushers welcome and embrace everyone as they come to worship with us and help people find their way through our services. They also...